Getting Started Tutorial

This tutorial will show you how to use hydrosdk. You will learn how to upload your code as a model to, setup your client code to make inference, and attach a monitoring metric to your model.


This tutorials was written for hydrosdk==3.0.0


If you haven’t launched platform, please do so before proceeding with this tutorial. You can learn how to do by checking documentation here -

Creating a ModelVersion

First we need to connect to the platform by creating Cluster object.

from hydrosdk.cluster import Cluster
from grpc import ssl_channel_credentials

# This cluster instance uses both - HTTP and GRPC APIs. Latter is used only for sending data to a deployed model
cluster = Cluster("http-cluster-address",
                 grpc_address="grpc-cluster-address", ssl=True,

Next we need to write the script which will be uploaded to the Hydrosphere platform. For the simplicity of this tutorial let’s imagine that our model will be calculating square root of a double value provided.

We’ll call this script ‘’ and put it in “model/src/”.

1from math import sqrt
3def infer(x):
4   return {"y": sqrt(x)}

Our file structure at this point should look like this:

└── model
    └── src

To let hydrosdk know which files needs to be uploaded to the platform we will capture all necessary file paths in a payload. We can also specify a common prefix to all paths in a payload in a path argument.

path = "model/"
payload = ['src/']

Hydrosphere Serving has a strictly typed inference engine, so before uploading our model we need to specify it’s signature with SignatureBuilder. Signature contains information about which method inside your should be called, as well as what its inputs and outputs shapes and types are.

from hydrosdk.signature import SignatureBuilder

signature = SignatureBuilder('infer') \
                .with_input('x', 'double', "scalar") \
                .with_output('y', 'double', "scalar") \

At this point we can combine all our efforts into the ModelVersion object using ModelVersionBuilder. We’ll call this model "sqrt_model".

Moreover, we need to specify environment in which our model will run. Such environments are called Runtimes. You can learn more about them here. In this tutorial we will use default Python 3.7 runtime. This runtime uses src/ script as an entry point, that’s why we organised our files as we did.

from hydrosdk.modelversion import ModelVersionBuilder
from hydrosdk.image import DockerImage

sqrt_local_model_builder = ModelVersionBuilder(name="sqrt_model", path=path) \
    .with_runtime(DockerImage(name="hydrosphere/serving-runtime-python-3.7", tag="3.0.0")) \
    .with_payload(payload) \

After packing all necessary information into a ModelVersionBuilder, we finally can build and upload it to the cluster.

sqrt_model: ModelVersion =

We are finished with uploading our model. Now we can get to the part where we develop a client code for our model.

Connect to your deployed model

We have uploaded our model - it’s stored and versioned, but it’s not running yet - we need to deploy it. To deploy a model you should create an Application - linear pipeline of ModelVersions with monitoring and other benefits. You can learn more about Applications here.

To create a simple application with one stage we’ll use ApplicationBuilder along with ExecutionStageBuilder.

from hydrosdk.application import ApplicationBuilder, ExecutionStageBuilder

stage = ExecutionStageBuilder().with_model_variant(model_version=sqrt_model, weight=100).build()
app_builder = ApplicationBuilder(name="sqrt_model").with_stage(stage)
sqrt_app =

Applications provide Predictor objects, which should be used for data inference.

predictor = sqrt_app.predictor()

Predictors provide predict method which we can use to send our data to the model.

import numpy as np

for x in range(10):
    result = predictor.predict({"x": np.random.rand()})

Now we have finished with testing our model and can safely delete the application:

from hydrosdk.application import Application


In the next section we’ll attach a monitoring model to this model to monitor quality of our incoming data to prevent “thrash-in thrash out” situation.

Attach monitoring model to your inference model

We’ll create a dummy monitoring model to check inputs from our previous model. Similarly, we define another and put it in “monitoring_model/src/”.

1def predict(x, y):
2    return {"value": float(x >= 0.5)}

So our file structure will look like

└── model
    └── src
└── monitoring_model
    └── src

And our payload is

payload = ['src/']
path = "monitoring_model/"

To attach one model as a metric to another model it’s signature should combine both input and output of monitored model with a single float scalar value in the output.

signature = SignatureBuilder('predict') \
               .with_input('x', 'double', "scalar") \
               .with_input('y', 'double', "scalar") \
               .with_output('value', 'float', "scalar").build()

Similarly we create a ModelVersion using ModelVersionBuilder and upload it to the cluster.

monitoring_local_model_builder = ModelVersionBuilder(name="sqrt_monitoring_model", path=path) \
    .with_runtime(DockerImage(name="hydrosphere/serving-runtime-python-3.7", tag="3.0.0")) \
    .with_payload(payload) \

monitoring_model =

Finally we attach this freshly uploaded model to our first one. To attach model as a metric to another model we need to:

  1. Create metric configuration as a MetricSpecConfig object. In a configuration we specify id of monitoring model, threshold and comparison operator to compare output of monitoring model with threshold. Model considered healthy if comparison is True

  2. Create new metric by calling MetricSpec.create and providing id of monitored model with metric config.

from hydrosdk.monitoring import ThresholdCmpOp

metric = monitoring_model.as_metric(1, ThresholdCmpOp.NOT_EQ)

We have attached monitoring model to our previously uploaded model to check input data. All the future data we send through sqrt_model, together with results of inference is shadowed through all monitoring metrics. You can explore how metrics behave in the web interface.

To simulate data we can again deploy an application and send some data:

sqrt_app =

predictor = sqrt_app.predictor()
for x in range(100):
    result = predictor.predict({"x": np.random.rand()})


You can explore changes on the UI.